How Can I earn from my App created using Radiosolution?
You can earn from your App in many ways but following are the most effective ones:
- Earn from Advertisement by enabling AdMob, or monetize using Radiosolution's monetization feature
- You can register yourself on Appy Jump and enable advertisements on your app, where for each advertisement you can earn a fixed chunk of money
- You can publish your app on iTunes, Google Play, Windows Phone Store, BlackBerry World and Amazon App Store as a paid app
- You can charge your app users on the subscription basis, but you have to add payment settings in your app from Build>>System Pages>>Login>>Payment Settings before going ahead
- You can sell Physical Products(e.g: T-shirts, Shoes, etc.) through your app
- You can sell Food Products(e.g: Pizzas, Burgers etc.) using your app
- You can sell Digital Products/Services (e.g: Videos, Audios, PDFs etc.) via your app
- You can accept Donation through your app
- Through Radiosolution's Hyperlocal feature, you can charge your app users for booking slots, or for adding their listing(s)