How to get URL of my Liked, Sets, Groups, and Uploaded songs on

Follow below mentioned steps to easily get URL of your Liked, Sets, Groups, and Uploaded songs on

Step 1: Go to

Step 2: Click on Create account button

Step 3: Enter all of the necessary details, and click on Create account

Step 4: A verification email will be sent to your registered email address. Click on the given URL to verify your email address

Now, click on the appropriate tab and follow the tutorial

Step 5: Click on the Song

Step 6: This is the URL of your selected song. Copy and paste the URL into its respective field on Radiosolution

Step 5: Click on Like text icon to add the song to your Liked songs collection

Step 6: A popup window will appear, close it

Step 7: Now Click on Likes menu

Step 8: This is your Liked songs page URL. Copy and paste the URL into its respective field on Radiosolution

Step 5: Click on Add text icon. A dropdown menu will open, select to Set to add the song to Sets

Step 6: A popup window will appear, enter all the details, and click on Add to Set button

Step 7: Now Click on Sets menu

Step 8:  This is your Sets songs page URL. Copy and paste the URL into its respective field on Radiosolution

Step 5:  Click on Add text icon. A dropdown menu will open, select to Group to add the song to Groups

Step 6: A popup window will appear, enter all the details, and click on Add to Group button

Step 7: Now Click on Groups menu

Step 8: This is your Groups songs page URL. Copy and paste the URL into its respective field on Radiosolution

Step 5: Click on Upload button

Step 6:  Click on upload one or more MP3 files button

Step 7: Turn off Private - not visible for others toggle bar, shown in the screenshot, and Click on Save uploads and return to your profile button

Step 8: This is your Uploaded songs page URL. Copy and paste the URL into its respective field on Radiosolution


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