How to integrate Estimote Beacon with Radiosolution App?
Step 1: Modify UUID, Major, and Minor values
Every Estimote Beacon ships with an unique ID that you are free to modify. By default, the beacon’s ID is in iBeacon format and consists of three values: UUID, Major and Minor. Beacons broadcast their iBeacon ID, which can then be recognized by mobile apps to trigger specific actions. UUID is fixed, Major and Minor are randomized.
Default UUID: B9407F30-F5F8-466E-AFF9-25556B57FE6D
It's also possible to switch between iBeacon and Eddystone formats. When using Eddystone, a beacon is no longer broadcasting UUID, Major, and Minor values. They’re replaced either with Eddystone-UID (consisting of Namespace and Instance values) or Eddystone-URL (consisting of a URL address).
To better understand the difference between iBeacon and Eddystone, visit our Developer Portal.
Can I use the same ID on multiple beacons?
Yes, you can set the same combination of UUID, Major, and Minor on as many beacons as you want.
There are three ways to change the iBeacon ID:
Step 2: Login in to your Radiosolution account then go to My App>>Beacon
Step 3: Click on +Add New Beacon Button
Step 4: Now Add New Beacon screen will appear, there you have to fill following values in the respective fields:
Beacon Name *
(You can assign any name to your Beacon)
Beacon UUID *
(Provide your modified/updated Beacon ID)
Major *
Minor *
Note: Initially you can fill 1,0 as the value of Major and Minor.
Step 5: Click on the Settings from the Right-Most-Corner.
Step 6: Now Configuration Beacon option will open. There you can write your message which will be delivered to your App Users.
Step 7: From Advanced Setting section you can manage your Notification Interval Frequency and which action (opening page or do nothing) to be perform.
Step 8: Click “Save”.