Radiosolution : How to obtain Category Code and Secret Key from Toyyibpay?
Follow the steps below to obtain the Category Code and Secret Key from Toyyibpay:
Step 1: Go to Toyyibpay. If you have a Toyyibpay account, login, else Signup.
Step 2: Click on Category in the side menu.
Step 3: Under Category, click on Add New Category.
Note: If you have already added the category, then you can copy the Category Code from the Category Code Column.
Step 4: Enter the Category Name and Category Description to create a new category.
Step 5: Once you have provided the category details, click on Submit.
Step 6: You can check the added category in the Category section. Now, copy the Category Code to the clipboard and click on Dashboard.
Step 7: Once you are in the dashboard, scroll down to the Settings section and you will find your Secret Key. Now, copy the Secret Key.
Step 8: Now, paste the Category Code and Secret Key in their respective fields as highlighted.