How to set up a "Call to Action" on Facebook for Android?

Step 1: Click on "Create call to action" button on your Facebook page.

Step 2: Select the 'Use App' option from the drop down.


Step 3: Switch the button to YES in 'Set up a link to an app' and input the website where you wish to redirect the user when user is not using an iOS or android device

Step 4: Select the ‘App’ option in the 'Choose where to send people on Android' drop down

Step 5: For Android, Please use following information:

Deep Link: fbdeep://android/Package_Name
Package name: Package_Name

For eg. If your Live App on Google Play looks something like this: Then input the following as:

Deep Link: fbdeep://android/com.Radiosolution.Radiosolutionyourappid

Package name: com.Radiosolution.Radiosolutionyourappid

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