How to Upload Marker file in AR feature?

Follow below mentioned steps to Upload Marker file in AR :

  1. If you have created an account with Developer Vuforia, login, else Register
  2. Once you are in Vuforia dashboard, select Develop tab 
  3. Click on Target Manager tab
  4. Click on Add Database button under Target Manager, it will open Create Database dialog box
  5. Provide a name to your Database, select Device under Type field, then click on  Create button
  6. Now click on your Database name under Target Manager section
  7. Click on Add Target button. It will open Ad Target dialog box
  8. Select Single Image  as in Ad type, browse the actual file (width should be 200), and provide a name to your image. Once done, click on Add button
  9. Now click on Download Database button. It will open Download Database dialog box
  10. Select Android Studio, Xcode or Visual Studio option, then click on Download button
  11. Upload this file into Upload Marker field of AR file
  12. Now select the actions that you want to perform once the AR object is scanned

Disclaimer: All Radiosolution users who intend to use the AR feature powered by Vuforia are requested to adhere by Terms of Use set by PTC Inc.(PTC), as mentioned on

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